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School Vs The Moon

Writer: HannahBHannahB

Updated: Nov 27, 2020

Happy New Moon! This new moon is in Virgo and coincides with new academic year for all those of us who are still trying to figure out what education means in the age of Covid. Amongst this chaos, starting a new academic year can mean wanting things to happen, start or fall into place but not being able to for some reason. Whether this is face-to-face learning, life movements or manifestations, it can leave or create a bit of a shit tip in life (definitely has for me). This is the kind of shit tip that needs a good tidy but you keep putting it off because you can't quite get started on it, but you know you still need to sort it, and it can make you feel a bit naff generally.

However, as this new moon is in Virgo, now is the time for organisation and back-to-school preparation; think making sure your uniform's clean, bags are packed and stationery bought for your first day of school, but for your life instead. The kind of vibe is methodical, slow and grounded prep, getting back on your kilter and centred ready to move forward. Coming back down to earth. Makes sense that it's an earth sign huh? This can also relate to well-being by taking practical steps to look after yourself after the chaos that's been and prepare any chaos still coming, like eating nourishing food and really checking in with yourself to see how you're truly feeling and needing.

Some things that I've been meditating on and thinking and journaling about are: - surrender : accepting that this start is amongst chaos, now how do I get/ create positive things out of it? What things do I even really want to come out of this? - welcoming the fresh start > checking in on how I want to move forward then sowing the seeds - In terms of usual new moon manifestation, I'm not just thinking about what I want to create but also what I want to achieve, overcome, release and feel in relation to my journey

So yeah, happy new moon! You made it through another cycle! Now it's time to centre, ground ourselves and stabilise, thinking about how we can clean up and prepare ourselves for the next phase of our lives. (This was written referring to Luna by Tamara Driessen, which I will write a full review of soon)

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